
WWMP Function Chart


               Wounded Warrior Mentor Program Leadership Team

May 1 2017

Program Director: Lee Miller

Directs Program, Recruits WII’s and Mentors, Education, Internships  Entrepreneurship and Training of Mentors.  301-601-2733  Cell: 240-620-5029

Operations and Assignment Officer:  Jim Harris

Maintains Mentor and WII Databases, Makes Assignments and Maintains files on each WII, Coordinates Assignments of Follow-On Mentors. 703-980-6808

Reports Manager:  Augustine Kojotse

Manages the Submission of Reports from Mentors to include the Initial Report, the Calendar Quarterly Report, the Follow-On Mentor Request Report and the Final Report. Coordinates the Receipt of all Reports with the Operations Officer 703-980-6808

Site Manager Walter Reed:  Jack Gordon                                         

Manages all Site Activities at Walter Reed, Is on the Walter Reed WII Interview Team, Country of Georgia Wounded Warrior Relations, In Charge of Binder Production for Training. 703-237-8263

Site Manager Ft Belvoir:  Cardell Hunter

Manages all Site Activities for the Ft Belvoir WWMP, Manages the WWMP CCU Program at Ft Belvoir. 703-447-7095 Cell:  703-791-8433

Assistant Site Manager-Pete Brintnall

Assists the Site Manager for recruiting and interviewing all WII’s at Ft Belvoir, Assists the Site Manager on all Ft Belvoir Program activities including the CCU Company. 703-644-6869

Trainer and Booz Allen Coordination Conducts All Program Coordination with Booz Allen, Represents the 101st ABN in the WWMP-Bob Seitz  703-483-0166

Secretary and Treasurer

Coordinates All Activities with the Booz Allen Mentors, Recruits Mentors within Booz Allen, Performs the functions of Secretary and Treasurer.

Navy WWMP Program Manager-Pete Boyne

Manages the Navy WWPP and Coordinates with the Navy Safe harbor Program. 703-569-2554

Air Force WWMP Program Manager-Jim Connally

Manages the Air Force WWMP and Coordinates with the Air Force Wounded Warrior Program at Walter Reed. 703-625-8839

WWMP Manager for the IDES process, TBI, PTSD and Brain Injuries.  WWMP Manager for HIPAA. Jon Dodson  703-307-1747 Fax:  703-913-2903

Recruitment of Mentor Trainees-Justin Dwight

Coordinates all Mentor Recruiting Activities, Sends Mentor Recruits Invitations and Maps for Training. 703-414-4591 Cell:  550-376-4222

Follow-On Mentor Program-Bert David, Eric Lord and Martin Menez

Manages WWMP Follow-On Mentor Program- Bert David 703-550-7370 Cell:  703-801-5661

Assists in the Management of the WWMP Follow-on Mentor Program-Eric Lord and Martin Benez 202-475-3163 Cell:  703-231-3240 Martin Benez 702-609-4560

Webmaster-Sam Weiss

Establishes and maintains The WWMP website WWMP.US

In coordination with the Operations Manager maintains a database of all mentors and WII’s and provides a communication channel for Program-Wide Communications. 503-292-983-9832


Auxiliary WWMP Support Members

Support for Sight Impaired WII’s Ned Rupp 703-310-0537 Home:  703-455-0839

Support’s WII’s for Social Security Disability Claims, Appeals and Boards-John Patrick 240-702-0078 Alt 301-325-0148

