Become a Mentor
Inside the DC Area

Interested in being a Mentor in the Washington, DC area (Walter Reed at Bethesda, MD, Ft Belvoir, VA and Ft Meade, MD)? Two easy steps:
- Download and fill out the Mentor Information Sheet, then email it to Jim Harris at If qualified, you will be sent an invitation to an orientation and training class. The class will answer your questions on what Mentors do, and what the expectations are. It will equip you to be a Mentor.
- Indicate on the Mentor Information Sheet, or on the sign-in roster at the orientation and training session, that you are ready to mentor. If you make the decision after the orientation and training, email Jim Harris at

Outside the DC Area
Interested in being a Follow-On Mentor outside the Washington, DC area? One easy step:
- Download and fill out the Mentor Information Sheet, then email it to Harry Cordel at, or call him at 202-475-3163..
The more information you provide in the Mentor Information Sheet pertaining to your career experiences, interests, and unique attributes, the easier it will be to find a good fit for you with a Wounded Warrior.