Social Security Disability Claims and Payments
WW’s should apply for Social Security Disability for all OEF/OIF Wounds including TBI and PTSD. A representative from the Social Security Disability Office will be in the SFAC at Walter Reed every Tues 9:00 AM to 3:00 PM to assist WW’s in filling out the application. Either Ms. Guadalupe Angulo, PH 202-673-5170 or 202-623-5159 Ext 3014, Email, or Ms. White, her assistant, will be there to assist WW’s apply.
The application goes to an SSA Examiner who reviews and decides the award amount. It is absolutely essential that WW’s establish a working address and mailbox with Social Security and continually monitor their mail. Many times the SSA Examiner will have questions and need further information. All correspondence is done by mail. If the WW does not have a mail address and monitor the mail, the questions goes unanswered and the process is stopped temporarily or permanently if the examiner does not get the information back from the WW.
Off post addresses are acceptable but the WW should be aware that there are post boxes provided for each WW outside Abrams Hall. WW’s need to be aware that, should they get a job later (College or professional schools do not count as a job), Social Security benefits can be received for nine (9) months after beginning work. WW’s applying for Social Security Disability should be aware that if turned down they should immediately reapply doing a “Reconsideration.” If the Reconsideration is turned down, the WW has recourse to a Hearing process.
Social Security’s Disability Program Can Help Veterans
Did you know that many disabled veterans and wounded warriors may qualify for Social Security disability benefits, in addition to their Veterans Affairs benefits? To assist veterans and members of the public to better understand the Social Security disability process, the SSA has created a seven-part YouTube video.
Earlier this year, the SSA also launched a disability education and awareness campaign, The Faces and Facts of Disability to share information about the disability program and the people it helps. Through this campaign, the SSA hope to educate the public about the Social Security Disability Insurance program and dispel common misconceptions. For more information, please go to