Medical Boards
Avenues of Review for Physical Disability Ratings
The Army Review Boards Agency (ARBA) has several Boards which may be able to grant you a disability separation or retirement, or change the disability percentage the Army gave you.
- Army Board for Correction of Military Records (10 U.S.C. 1552)
- Army Physical Disability Review Board (10 U.S.C. 1554)
- Army Disability Rating Review Board (AR 635-40, Chapter 4)
US Army Physical Disability Agency Flow Chart
US Army Physical Disability Agency Flow Chart
Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP)
The medical board process begins when your Physical Evaluation Board Liaison Officer (PEBLO) notifies you that you have been referred to a Medical Board — aka the IDES (MEB & PEB + VA), The IDES (MEB & PEB) military side (aka “the DES”) of the process begins when your Medical Retention Determination Point (MRDP) has been reached as recommended to the Medical Board by your medical treatment team. For more IDES information, go to web site:
Board Composition: President /Personnel Management Officer/Physician
Informal Proceeding – Record /paper review
Formal Proceeding: Personal appearance; Counsel – Appointed JAG, private counsel, Veterans Service Organization (VSO) advocate
Separate with Severance Pay (SWSP)
Separate without Benefits (SWOB)
Temporary Disability Retirement List (TDRL)
Permanent Disability Retirement List (PDRL)
Physical Disability Agency (PDA)
Physical Disability Branch (PDB)
Army Board for Correction of Military Records (ABCMR)
Physical Disability Board of Review (PDBR)
FOR MORE INFORMATION SEE AR 635-40, Revision dated 20 March 2012
Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Overview
Overview of the Physical Disability Evaluation System (IDES) (PDF Document)
Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Program Briefing
Integrated Disability Evaluation System (IDES) Briefing for Soldiers from the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. This is a large, 1.1MB PDF document.)
Military Disability (Medical) Separations and Retirements
When a military member has a medical condition (including mental health conditions) which renders them unfit to perform their required duties, they may be separated (or retired) from the military for medical reasons. The process to determine medical fitness for continued duty involves two boards — the Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) and the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB).
Disability Evaluation System
Each of the military services is responsible for assuring the fitness of its service members and separating or retiring those who are unable to continue military service. Eligible service members whose military service is cut short due to a service-related disability incurred in the line of duty receive benefits.
Army Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES)
The Army Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES) is the Army agency that governs the Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) and Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) process. PDES provides a full and fair hearing to determine a Soldier’s physical fitness for continued military service.
Marine/Sailor Physical Disability Board (PEB)
The PEB is a fact-finding board that evaluates all cases of physical disability on behalf of the Marine/Sailor and the Service in accordance with the Secretary of the Navy Instruction 1850.4E (Disability Evaluation Manual).